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Servicing &  Pricing 

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Virtual Doula Package

call me for pricing 
You will receive more than 10 hours of 

prenatal planning check-ins via

phone, text, messenger, email and video support.

virtual doula online


Each check in will consist of:​​


  • What your birth preferences are and the best ways to achieve them

  • Birth mapping/planning

  • Access to birth education and resources

  • Sounding board for pregnancy concerns

  • Debrief sessions after your hospital appts

  • Debrief sessions for past birth experiences​

  • Pain relieving strategies and options

  • Phone support during early labour

  • Post Partum debrief

  • $50 voucher towards the cost of a full package doula*

*If during our sessions you decide that you would benefit from physical labour support or you may need in home post-partum support, then I will help you find that perfect birth companion where you can use the voucher towards the cost.

virtual doula online

The first 30min phone call is complimentary

There are many reasons why a full-package doula might not be available to you but, you don't have to miss out. 

Take advantage of this opportunity to give me a call and see if my service is right for you. 



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